Saturday, July 19, 2008

Saturday Mass Preparation

Every Saturday, we prepare for the Lord's Day which honors both his sacrificial death and exults in His resurrection from the dead. He is truly risen!

However, unless we see the Mass for what it is, we may rush to quickly and miss its meaning and impact in our lives. The Mass is this: the re-presenting of Calvary; the sacrificial death of Jesus in an unbloodied manner, BUT THE SELF-SAME SACRIFICE. Now what I've just said is very conceptual and may not sink into your minds and hearts. This is why God gives us music.

God has given us Catholics the gift of music not only from notable Catholic musicians, but moreso from our Protestant brothers and sisters who love Jesus dearly and seek all means possible to worship Christ in spirit and truth. Below is a video which melds the music of Michael W. Smith's Agnus Dei underscoring the crucifixion in Mel Gibon's The Passion of the Christ. It is a masterful blend of talents from both sides of the wall of division which blesses me beyond words. I desire to share this with you all as well

As you view the video, I want you to do a couple of things:

1. Let the Holy Spirit prepare you to receive our matchless Savior in the Mass by focusing on the visual of the Agnus Dei.

2. Give thanks to Him, now, today, for His love for you, your loved ones, and all humankind!

3. Give thanks to Him for allowing the music of our fellow brothers and sisters in Christ from beyond the divide to minister to your souls. Thank the Lord for the ministry of Michael W. Smith.

And now, Agnus Dei...

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