Sunday, July 27, 2008

A Parable for Evangelization

My brothers and sisters:

Having been to Mass as a Catholic, I've just received the body and blood, soul and divinity of our dear Lord Jesus Christ! I with countless other Catholics around the world have just taken into our hearts, souls, minds and bodies the very substance of Jesus Himself. We are made to partake of his Divine nature, and the sacraments, primarily the Eucharist, are designed so that very thing occurs in our lives. We are to become like our Savior Jesus.

However, we Catholics don't share this infinitely overwhelming gift. We receive the greatest Gift in the universe, and we stifle and keep it to ourselves. With our Protestant brothers and sisters, we receive the grace of God, the greatest possible gift, the gift with the price of the death of the Son of God Himself, and we stifle it. We keep it to ourselves.

Well, have I got a story for you. It's a parable that I first discovered way back in 1983 when I was working with highschool youth...over 25 years ago! I found it again on and am overjoyed! Please, if you have about 30 minutes, watch how this story plays out in each of the four parts. The music is done by the Sensational Nightengales, and they perform wonderfully! Both old and young will enjoy this flick!

It's a story of a man who lives a very drab life in a VERY dull and drab city where no joy is found. Everything is pure drudgery, no joy, no purpose, no meaning at all. Then this man unexpectedly discovers something that changes his life!

See if there is any application of this to your own life. At the end, PLEASE, share your comments and see if we can apply the principles given in this story for our own edification. I now give you Part I...The Music Box:

What Now Part II

Let's see...hide in the bathroom...NO! Part III

What will he do with his wife? See the finale of Part IV of The Music Box!

We who have Jesus in our hearts and souls...let the joy out! If we truly are in love with Love Himself, then let us love others by letting Jesus shine in us! Let the world hear your music box. Play Jesus!!!! Allelujah!

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