Friday, January 23, 2009

Catholics Who Voted For Obama: Your Man Broke His Promise on Day 4

Well, here we are on Day 4 of the first 100 Days of the Obama Presidency and President Obama is funding abortions around the world. Hmmm, and I was told that by voting for Obama, abortions would go down? Those of you who voted for the man, it's time for reckoning...

Read the LifeNews Article here.


Anonymous said...

I knew he was a liar. He's a Dem. He personally said that abortions have a right to be legal and safe. If his daughters were to find themselves is a situation, he would want them to be able to choose for themselves what to do with their bodies. What gets my goat is that an abortion rarely does anything to the woman's body, at least the 'safe and legal' ones don't. But Dems and Libs don't want to discuss what it does to the unborn human being's body. Also, will Obama have insurance companies cover the mother's mental health after the abortion? Or do they have to pay for that themselves? Rarely do women talk about their abortions afterwards and seek counseling and guidance. And of course it's not a covered claim. It's probably a 'pre-existing problem' and denied. Obama will try to have control of what we do with our bodies, inside and out, and how often we are to do it. I see huge bad things happening in the next 2 yrs. I no longer say "God bless America", I say "God forgive America".


Anonymous said...

Excellent points, and sobering, Michelle. Yes, God, forgive America. Very sobering indeed.