From Asian-Pacific News: Pope Voted Top Bloke!
Read this article! You'll enjoy how our Holy Father impacted Australia from a secular viewpoint. One particular story worth pursuing, is the story of police officer Gary Hill, who was visited by the Pope days before his death:
Speaking before the pope boarded a chartered Qantas plane for the 23-hour flight back to Rome, Rudd related how Benedict had gone out of his way to give comfort to Constable Gary Hill, a 22-year veteran of the police force, just days before he died.
The pope, believing the stricken officer was giving him his officer's hat as a gift, obligingly wore it briefly and then kept it as a memento of their unscripted meeting.
'Your Holiness, in Australia we are a relatively informal lot and we like that approach,' the prime minister said. 'We like it very much and you should now see yourself as the honorary chaplain of the NSW Police Force.'
I love our Pope! Makes you want to be more like him, doesn't it? God bless, and keep praying for our Holy Father, and also the Green Bay Diocese new Bishop, Most Reverend David Ricken. Lord hear our prayer! Amen.
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