Friday, July 25, 2008

Friday Reflection: Hating Sin

Every Friday is a day of penance that commemorates the Passion and Death of Jesus for our sins. I've been meditating on something that I want to share with you all. Let me begin with a question: How much do you hate sin? Do you have "pet" sins that you continuously commit and quickly justify as "venial?" Is it possible these sins are your pets because you like them? If this is the case, then let me ask...When did you lose your first love for Jesus, and why?

From a logical stand point, If you love God, I mean really love Him with everything you have within you, then you are completely opposed to all that is not Him, that is against Him, that hates Him. You will hate sin with a passion, as Christ does. St. John the Beloved taught in his first epistle that no one can both love God and the world. It's impossible...the two are in complete opposition.

So, from a theological standpoint, what is the net result of sin? Death. And what is the cost to undo such a consequence? The death of the Son of God...a death that is inconceivable, though we try. Is this reason enough for us to hate sin? I think so. But for us to truly hate sin, we must be in love with God, with Jesus Christ, with the Holy Spirit. WE MUST FALL IN LOVE WITH JESUS CHRIST ALL OVER AGAIN.

We meditate on the crucifixion death of Jesus on Tuesdays and Fridays and all during Lent because we will never know how much it cost to see our sins upon the cross. Worship Him this day and give thanks. Let's see how far we have fallen and return to our first Love, Jesus. I've included a song from Hillsong to bless you with a beautiful worship song that accompanies the visuals of Christ's passion from Mel Gibson's "Passion of the Christ." Behold the truth, the goodness and the beauty of the Lord. Let His Holy Spirit draw you to Himself. My prayer for myself, for you, and for all this day of penance is that we fall in love with Jesus all over again, I'm mean really fall in love with Him.

Call upon the name of the Lord and be saved!

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