Thursday, July 9, 2009

Five Months is Long Enough!!!

Hey everyone!

Well, I put off blogging long enough. I've been looking for work and it's been consuming my time quite a bit. Sorry for the lapse. Here's what's in store for the next several days:

1. I have some great ideas concerning Catholic Male Spirituality that I have been absorbing from a website called Mary Victrix, a website that deals with True Chivalry. Many great articles and links. You'll have plenty of information to absorb.

2. I have some thoughts that I'd like to share in a few days regarding parish revitalization and evangelization that I hope is not only encouraging, but inspiring as well.

3. I also have some political observations, but I'm less inclined toward politics, since I can get so exasperated. Our hope is in Christ, not politicians. Thanks be to God!

4. Also, I'm gearing up for the fall and it's once again time for "The Four Pillars of Faith!" I'd like to present the course again, once things settle down for me.

All in all, I'm glad I'm back in the saddle. Come along, partners! We gotta trail to blaze.

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