Tuesday, October 7, 2008

How We Got Into This Mess

Hi everyone!

I read a great article at the New Oxford Review by Michael McIntire in Secularizing the Catholic University that spells out the history of the culture of death over the last 100+ years. Very enlightening, with things like John D. Rockefeller III's interest in Eugenics, a Darwinian notion that we have the capability to develop a super race, who funded research in 1930's Germany. Can you imagine the horror of it? After WWII, his network of trusts and research groups changed the name "Eugenics" to "Population Control", putting pressure on the Vatican to accept contraception as a viable means to control overpopulation.

This is a must read that shows WHY the Church rejected contraception outright as being beneficial or good. Praise God for a faithful and courageous Church! Take your time, if you have it, and give it a look over. Then when you're done, pray. The issues have not died, but are alive and well. And pray for my school Marquette University, who is in the same "death throws". Lord, have mercy; Christ have mercy, Lord have mercy...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Sam, This has been great. You did a wonderful teaching and this blog is very cool. Thanks for the tip on how to send a comment. I would be very interested in signing up for another course that you teach. Keep us posted please!
T for Teri