I love J.R.R Tolkien's "Lord of the Rings." I've read the book twice, I've seen the movie countless times. I'm convinced we can benefit from good tales that illustrate the exercise of virtue, identify the difference between good and evil, and inspire us to fight for the protection of the good and the beautiful. It shows me that though evil is everywhere and sometimes overwhelming, if we stand up to it together with everything in us, WE CAN WIN. I love LOR because it inspires me to a greater commitment to be a soldier in the army of the Church Militant.
We are the Church militant. It was given this name by the Church fathers because of the nature of life here on earth. Earth is not a playground, but a battleground filled with evil, sorrow and untold suffering. There is goodness we need to fight for, souls who hang in the balance who need the message we hold dear. One of the greatest issues of our time is the issue of Child Killing. The beauty of life, found in the faces of the infant unborn and their mothers, is being attacked by a satanic barbarism that is unmatched by anytime or epoch. We have systematically destroyed and are destroying countless souls without seeing any of the macabre details. There are Frankensteins in our country who have violated their Hippocratic Oath and sold their souls for paychecks written in innocent blood.
I do not use the term "Abortion" any more. "Abortion" is a euphemism, a sophisticated sugar-coating that hides the horrific reality that occurs about 5000 times each day in America, or 1.5 million times each year, over 50 million times since 1973. It is matching the number of people killed in World War II. And these numbers are just from America. It is Child Killing-- it is the whole-sale chopping of children and sucking pieces of their precious bodies out of their mothers' wombs and into a sink. This "medical procedure" is an idea belched out of hell. Is anyone still not convinced of Satan's hatred of humanity?
The most intense emotion I feel as a man in the Child Killing issue second to the seething hatred toward sin that causes this, is shame. I feel shame towards the silent, cowardly, orgasm-driven sperm donors (I refuse to call them men; they do not fit the the definition of men.) who don't step in to protect the women they've impregnated from emotional, psychological and physical harm, and their children from death. They refuse to take responsibility for their actions and run to find the next set of legs to feed their lust. I know that it takes two to tango, but if sperm-donors acted like real men instead of unprincipled Orks, we wouldn't have this problem.
Our first priority is to bring the possibility of conversion to these people with love and humility. We need to reach out to these women who have been used and harmed. But with them, these men need our prayers and evangelism too. They too are slaves to the Evil one. If we are going to win this battle, we must be willing to influence the hearts of these people and love them towards conversion in spite of their brutish behavior. Our battle is with the principalities and powers of the dark lord that are driving them. It is with Satan and his minions whom we must do battle, and fight with the weapons our Lord Jesus has given us. We are defeated only if we resort to using our Enemies weapons against them.
Our second priority is to change our culture through the legal means at our disposal. This is also why I think we need to vote like the Church Militant in this election. Our vote against Obama is a vote against the culture of death. YES, it is this serious! There should be no question on who we are to vote for in this election cycle--John McCain. Yeah, I'll say it again. If you are Catholic in your moral thinking you WILL VOTE FOR JOHN MCCAIN. He is not perfect by any means, and there will be work to do when he wins. However, this is a no-brainer.
The popular "seamless garment" analogy doesn't illustrate the fact that there is a hierarchy of moral truths, a hierarchy the Holy Father speaks about. When you have two choices to make, you need to base your decision on which of the moral truths are the most important and best served. You can vote in favor for the rights of the poor, the immigrants, the war-torn, racially denigrated. But as far as rights go, people have rights only as they are alive. The dead have no rights.
So what is happening with Catholics is this...a moral equivalence is being made between the right to life of an unborn baby and say the rights of those in Iraq and the casualties of war. In each case, the objective nature of the actions, human beings dying, are the same, but the intentions and the circumstances surrounding these are quite different. As to intentions, an unborn baby is not killed collaterally as are the innocent in war, the baby is the focus of the kill. On the other hand, the U.S. has not instituted an intentional killing campaign of civilians like say, Al Qaida does. Thus, the intentions are very different. Second, the circumstances are not the same. Killing unborn infants comes as a form of birth control which is to relieve the mother the responsibility of raising a child. Ergo, Mr. Obama's statements about not having his daughters be burdened with a child. (See, Mr. Obama knows unborn babies are children!) . We are not killing innocent Iraqis because of the burden they put on us in regime change. Besides, the number of Iraqis killed doesn't come remotely close to the amount of American babies killed (50 million plus).
So, Mr. Obama's empty sophisms will never bring the results that half of America's Catholics are hoping for. He may promise a reduction in Child Killing with economic growth, a chicken in every pot, a Hybrid in every garage, and a job for every American. But he has no intention to deliver on this promise. He intends to remove every restriction to Child Killing we have put in place in the last three decades with the Freedom of Choice Act. So with every economic reason removed to destroy unborn children, he gives every reason to pursue unencumbered access to the killing of infants. With this new law, self-absorbed, well fed, mobile and employed Americans can continue to pursuit a life of unrestrained recreational sex. You see the contradiction?
If you Obama supporters are insistent that "Senator Government" is sincere with an intent to reduce Child Killing, then you have a malformed conscience. There can a as many as four causes for this:
1. You are not using the common sense God has given you and have become naive and gullible. You have been bamboozled.
2. You are not catechized correctly or you lack it altogether. You need to talk to your priest on the pre-eminent issue of abortion as the Holy Father has time and again expressed to us.
3. You are following the voting tradition of your family; your parents did, you believe that's what Catholics are supposed to do. You are not thinking.
4. You are willfully resisting Catholic moral teaching on the subject of Abortion, having adopted a counter-magisterial attitude from such notables as Fr. Charles Curran, or from groups such as Catholic Action.
It's up to you, my family. If you think I've been a bit over the top, then please read what Bishop Finn says to his diocese. He really nails it, and hard. God bless you in the battle for the Good, the True and the Beautiful. Remember, in the Spirit of St. John the Beloved, here's an adaptation: "those who say they love God and allow their innocent neighbor to be killed in the womb, the love of God is not in them." Strength and honor!!